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Tanner Point

How do we bridge industrial past and urban future? How do we create a smart, dynamic, soulful workspace?

David Keltner

Tanner Point

Portland, Oregon
220,000 SF
In collaboration with GBD Architects

Client Notes
Design a vibrant building on a complex, irregularly shaped site, and create a strong pedestrian experience at the street level. Maximize design budget toward the goal of creating an easily marketable speculative office building. Give the building 'soul' and design purpose, helping it through the challenge of Design Commission approval.

Designer Notes
The design of Tanner Point is heavily influenced by its unique triangular site at the gateway to Portland's River District, where the city grid converges with the diagonal of the river and railroad. Buffering the railroad on one side and actively engaging the street and pedestrian experience on the other side, the building bridges the divide between the neighborhood's industrial roots and its current urban conditions. The building is designed for maximum flexibility, to accommodate small tenants as well as multi-floor offices. Thoughtfully placed windows provide iconic views of neighboring bridges and Union Station.

LEED Silver
Sustainability PDF

Boyce Postma

David Keltner, Design Principal
Scott Mannhard, Project Manager

Hallie Ford Center, Oregon State University

Hallie Ford Center, Oregon State University

Puppet Headquarters

Puppet Headquarters

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