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Spieker Center for the Performing Arts, Menlo School

Spieker Center for the Performing Arts, Menlo School

The performance venue we have long needed to allow young talent to flourish and audiences to enjoy the best artistic expression possible.

Menlo School

Spieker Center for the Performing Arts, Menlo School

Atherton, California
28,000 SF

Client Notes
Create a new arts neighborhood and public face of the school that supports student creativity and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration. Provide formal and informal learning environments, making a new home for Middle and Upper School music and arts programs.

Designer Notes
More than just a performing arts venue, Spieker Center is designed to be the living room of Menlo's campus, where students and staff can come to study, work, or hang out. The design seeks to draw people inside at all hours of the day - inviting them in for an evening or matinee performance, or encouraging passersby to come inside and explore. With expansive floor to ceiling windows along a major thoroughfare, the design connects inside to outside, puts arts and music programs on display, and connects these programs to the campus community.

Targeting CALGreen Certification

Jesse Figgins / Keri Woltz / Caitlin Ranson / Sudarshan Iyengar / Nicolas Pectol / Janell Widmer / Jennifer Fowler / Lewis Williams / Katherine Park / Clarissa Acevedo / Tracey Olson

Thomas Hacker, Design Principal
Stefee Knudsen, Project Manager

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