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Pier 70 - Parcel A

Pier 70 is a complex project and Hacker has quickly digested everything we’ve thrown at them. Our evolving design is one that is sure to be a cause for celebration amongst the city, immediate community, and our wider Brookfield organization.

Cutter MacLeod
Brookfield Properties

Pier 70 | Parcel A

San Francisco, California
298,000 SF
Expected completion 2021
In collaboration with Quezada Architecture

Client Notes
Create a distinctive mass timber office building that anchors a neighborhood transitioning from its historic shipyard roots to a beacon for creative industries and tech firms. Set the standard for design excellence, sustainability, and place-making at Mission Bay's Pier 70.

Designer Notes
The Parcel A office building captures the awe-inspiring shipyard scale of San Francisco’s historic industrial waterfront, while creating a workplace environment that is humane and human-scaled from the inside out. An emphasis on biophilia and on the beauty of the exposed mass timber structure guide the design, incorporating abundant daylight, access to fresh air, and natural materials. The design seeks to make quality and craft visible, from the beveled piers that catch light from different angles on each floor to the transparent, inviting ground floor lobby and retail spaces.

Targeting LEED Gold
Targeting WELL Building Certification

Shawn Glad / Joe Swank / Caitie Vanhauer / Justin Mayo / Scott Barton-Smith / Xiyao Hu / Cait Sylvain / Jennifer Cambier / Brad Smith / Amelie Reynaud / Kirsten Heming / Brendan Hart / Lewis Williams

Corey Martin, Design Principal
Stefee Knudsen, Project Manager

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