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Cascade Library, Portland Community College

Cascade Library, Portland Community College


We get a lot more interaction with the students than we did before… it really has a collaborative feel in the spaces.

Marianne Tanner
Reference Librarian

Cascade Library, Portland Community College

Portland, Oregon
34,400 SF renovation
6,200 SF addition

Client Notes
Remodel a dark and outdated campus library into a welcoming and comfortable space for staff and students. Provide flexible work areas that prioritize technology and accessibility. Create a space that is easy to navigate, with differentiated places to serve multiple purposes, activities, and needs.

Designer Notes
The design improves overall building accessibility and creates a new entrance, providing the first real front door for the library. Interior environments were designed with a special emphasis on providing future-forward academic library environments - with technology access, differentiated spaces for individual study and collaboration, quiet study rooms, a new computer classroom, and more prominently located reference and circulation stations, all of which are afforded ample access to natural daylight.

Vijayeta Davda / Laura Klinger / Shawn Glad / Melissa Clark / Jeff Ernst

William Dann, Design Principal
Nicholas Hodges, Project Manager

West Portal Branch Library

West Portal Branch Library

Sherwood Civic Building

Sherwood Civic Building

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